National Trust pay & display car park near Scale Hill bridge. Grid Ref: NY149214
Important Safety Notes: You must come and register before starting your run and you must return to registration to download even if you retire from your course.
If you travelled to the event alone, you must state this at registration or leave your car keys.
Every competitor must have with them a waterproof top, a spare torch and a whistle.
Online entries using Racesignup.
Dibbers available to use on the night.
Long: 4.2km
Short: 2.4km
Easy: 2.0km
Start: 100m and 20m climb from registration.
Finish: adjacent to registration.
Uncrossable walls: Walls marked with a thick purple line may only be crossed at the crossing points shown on the map.
Start Times:
Courses Close:
Other Notes:
New to Night Orienteering?
You need to bring a decent head torch (and maybe a spare and/or spare battery) and make sure to dress appropriately for the weather.
The first series of events, up to Christmas tend to be on easier areas so are suitable for those trying night orienteering for the first time.
Younger and/or inexperienced orienteers should be accompanied.